Thrilling! Wonderful! Pls make more of these ones!!!
Thrilling! Wonderful! Pls make more of these ones!!!
I loved lifeline, but this story just started to annoy me. It seemed repetitive and just got annoying and I just started to sit there like "why did I buy this?"
Arika (arr-uh-kuh) is in my opinion much more relatable than the past games Taylor. She is quick-witted and funny among other amusing things. The story is very captivating and I felt myself getting MUCH more emotionally attached to Arika than Taylor. I highly recommend this game.
Still playing, but like the first one, it pulls you right in to the story from the beginning. The only thing I would like to see added is a way to adjust the font size. Its a bit tiny and hard to read. It could simply be due to the lack of contrast for the colors chosen by the devs). At any rate, it would be nice to have a way to adjust it.
Unlike Taylors adventure in lifeline 1, this was a bit too "millennial" for me - and Im a millennial. There were too many pop culture references and I wish it wouldve just been a straight forward witch hunt game without the movie jokes and such. Didnt finish b/c I wasnt as invested as I was with Taylor. I guess first is always the classic to beat.
I just want to start by saying I was a huge fan of the original Lifeline story as well as Lifeline: Silent Night. Both were amazingly put together and by the end of the first one I felt like I had a connection with Taylor. When I first bought Lifeline 2 I expected it to be a continuation of the first two, but boy was I wrong! It was a completely different story and it was amazing! I cannot wait for the sequel to this game as it has been one of my all time favorites from the App Store!
Much more happening in this storyline than the others. It tugged at my heart and I fell in love with the characters. Please make more like this one! I want to hear from Arika again!!
Like the first one it is very well made and is an amazing game
Loved every moment of this game!
Theres no doubt in my mind that this is by far the greatest game in history of games
I loved the original lifeline. It was thought provoking, I liked the way Tyler talked, I felt a connection and I cared about what happened to him. By far the best part was how I felt pressure, every choice was life or death and I had to think hard about what I did. But with this game I didnt get that, the character doesnt have the charismatic personality had, and shes sort of forgettable, I didnt really care what happened, and though choices are pretty much nowhere to be found, I even TRIED to get her killed and failed. I would skip this one.
Good follow up to the original
This is truly my favorite of the Lifeline games. The magic theme was my favorite factor of the game and I really loved the story and flow of the game. There were times when I was so immersed that I actually felt concern for the character. Im dying to play the sequel and I really recommend this game! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 6 stars if I could
Great game. I have all of them and like them all. I never thought I would play a game without seeing any characters and just have dialogue but this game makes you see what is really happening just by reading. Excellent.
An improvement on the first game in every sense. The story does feel a little too long for this format but thats hardly a negative for me.
I cant believe how boring this story is. Its to the point where I am mad it exists. I really enjoyed the first Lifeline game. It was in space, there was a sense of urgency, there was suspense. I didnt find any of that in this story. It was so boring. You have to find items on your quest, even the items are boring. (Possible spoiler) There came one point where I guess I picked a bad choice and she died....even that was boring! She basically died because she fell asleep. In a car. Yup. Super exciting death guys. Im pretty disappointed in this story. I thought there would be more swordfighting, spells and interesting things. Instead there is a lot of walking and non-funny "banter". No, nothing but outdated pop culture references that no teenager would make and annoying snarky comments.
I really liked the character. It was fun helping her. The end was a bit rushed, but in all it was fun.
Great game. Enjoyed every minute of it. Hope she comes back!
If youre up for a good story, and a surprising amount of personal investment in a fictional character, this is probably your game. The new character might grate on you at first, but give her some time. You cant help but see her mission through (and perhaps feel guilty about the things youve encouraged her to do). Poor girl. The people and locations were always interesting, though not ground-breakingly novel. The incredible number of solutions to puzzles and endings you could stumble into were wonderfully well thought out. (I "solved" one with a wad of gum, more or less). Having to rely on her descriptions of the surroundings, and what (& when (& if)) she chooses to tell you adds a tangible layer of tension to every decision. There are no cheap or undeserved Game Overs, and they all have the promise of revealing something interesting. An unexpected, but worthy follow-up to the original 2 Lifelines.