It consistently crashes on my watch, Ive never even gotten to a title screen.
It consistently crashes on my watch, Ive never even gotten to a title screen.
Read that this is the weakest entry of the Lifeline series, so I played this first. Since I had no expectations, it was a pretty good experience. Sorta corny since youre aiding a teenage witch, but whatever.
I wasnt sure what to expect, and a new character and setting were a nice change of pace. I found myself nervous about my choices, since playing the first Lifeline I knew they could have dire consequences. It was interesting, and kept me interested in the story through all the settings..... Now to check out some other choices....
I have been downloading apps since day 1 and this is the first one I have ever taken the time to review. It was that bad... Not terrible, but a huge disappointment after the first two. It wasnt that the story was different... I liked the story, but the writing this time around seemed hurried and the sequences were supper choppy. There wasnt enough time given to build a connection with a stranger... She shows too much gratitude way too soon when all you really do in this version is click the "what happened now?" button. The character is fun, and witty, with a metric ton of pop culture reference dripping from every crack in every sentence of dialogue - and there were many (cracks that is) - but the vast majority of the references were out of place for this homeless, teenage orphan. And the quests! They seem pretty arbitrary overall. You dont know why she needs the things, she just does. So you end up being the lost puppy dog following her around saying you can do it... whatever it is... and helping her make completely useless decisions like should I walk, or use magic? - Duh! Use your magic! It feels like these decision points were put in completely arbitrarily (and dont get me started on the whole right/left decision tree in the monastery... I dont even want to think about that one. Ever. Again. The whole experience was just odd. Good enough to keep me going through to the end, but bad enough to have me questioning why almost the entire way! All I really wanted by the end was a little closure; not for Arika, thats pretty much a given, but for me. What is the point of the greens? Why is magic an illusion? Why did they take over the town? What was it doing for the years Arika was growing up? Is it connected with the first storys body snatchers? Etc, etc, etc... Unfortunately, you dont get any answers. Not one. The whole thing feels like a quickly slapped together followup - and I wish I could get my money back for it. Great concept, bad follow through! The soundtrack was well done but I cant say that about anything else in this app. Skip this and go buy the first two installments... They are shorter, but balance the story, character, suspense and decision making so much better!
I really have to hand it to the makers and writers of the lifeline games. They are so well done and a great experience. I was with Arika every step of the way. Although the ending doesnt make too much sense to me and she never fulfilled her promises of telling her friends that she was successful, it was a very satisfying ending to say the least. Im glad I can expect more!
I havent played Lifeline or Lifeline: Silent Night. When looking into these games, THIS was the one that interested me the most. On that note- I think most reviewers were a little harsh; constantly comparing to the other titles in the series. As a stand-alone game, this is truly one of the best 99cents you could spend; well written, touching, eerie, scary and a funny main character that I truly felt more connected to as I played. Dont miss out on this game because of harsh reviews, its worth your while if you like stuff like Buffy/Angel/Supernatural/Wolf Among Us or anything like that.
I really liked the first one, this one was just really boring. Didnt care about the characters our story at all.
These games continue to amaze me with great storytelling in two (for now at least) compelling worlds
Different from most games, unique storyline and gameplay. Fully satisfied with my $.99, would pay much more for something amazing as this!
I loooved the storyline! Though others might think otherwise, magic is so much better than space stuff! Though the answers couldve been more different than that, sometimes only the tone would change. But I got so attached to Arika, I really hope youll make a sequel or more stories like that.
I cant wait for the next game!
Pretty kewl story, longer then 1st n much more to the overall adventure. I quite enjoyed the story as a whole, very creative and kept me interested. Enough to go back and retry after 2 untimely deaths...sorry Arika
I found this game absolutely astounding and I was really impressed by this game although long and I really felt happy or scared for some code.Good work to the people who made this and lets hope for a second sequel
I really like the Lifeline games. This one was pretty good, but not as good as the other two. However, I wouldnt hesitate buying another game from this developer!
Right away it wasnt fun and now what happens? Nothing. Meh I like the first one better.
I just loved all three versions of lifeline., great stories and suspense and u get so attatched to the character too... I cant wait to see what the next story will be!! Pleeeeez hurry!! Im having withdrawals now!!! Lol
The game is basically unplayable because the watch app will not stay in sync with the phone app. Ive read the beginning so many times now that I have no interest in proceeding as I am afraid it will reset again.
I really enjoyed this sequel! The main character was funny and snarky; I quickly grew attached to her. The game was challenging enough that I died a few times, but enjoyable enough that I was quite determined to replay it until I got the good end. The true end was incredibly heartwarming and I felt a sense of accomplishment having helped Arika get there. There are some loose ends that make me think there is still more story to tell, but that is clearly intentional. I also liked the tie in to the first Lifeline with the green blobs that take over peoples bodies. I think these stories will have to intersect in some way in future games and I cant wait to play them! My only gripe would have to be the travel between goals. The dialogue is EXACTLY the same every time. This took me out of the story drastically. I no longer felt like there was a person on the other side of the conversation, which is very important for this type of game. Consider adding so random variations? Like maybe if she walked last time and the player chooses to walk again she might complain about the players insistence on this type of travel or make a joke about the player trying to keep her healthy or something. Other than that, I would highly recommend this game to anyone fond of text-based games and want to fill a few random moments in their day.
I loved the 1st game, enjoyed the 2nd, but REALLY got into this 3rd one! Longer story, great character.